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Wednesday, September 18th
Building the CEO AI Playbook: How AI Will Power Your Association into the Future
Exclusive event for association CEOs at Joe’s Seafood DC.
Tuesday, September 24th
Crafting an Agile Technology (IT) Budget for 2025
Open to the public.
Want more? Browse our library of on-demand recordings below!
Takeaways: Risk factors to mitigate and delegate; opportunities to factor into your vision; how to filter noise and sustain progress.
Takeaways: How to identify and avoid some of the most common social engineering scams.
Takeaways: The latest scam tactics to watch out for; critical proactive and reactive measures to take; lessons to apply to our corporate security strategies.
Takeaways: How supply chain issues impact our businesses; strategies to minimize disruption to your operations.
Takeaways: How to get flexible with your technology; a new security paradigm to embrace; how to avoid subtle culture-killers.
Takeaways: Developments in the threat landscape; examples of sophisticated scams; bare minimum defensive measures; how to keep pace.
Takeaways: Opportunities presented by workforce relocation; risks to consider from HR and IT perspectives; tips for supporting a dispersed team.
Takeaways: Practical and emotional benefits of effective collaboration; risks of not having a defined solution; how to promote firm-wide adoption.
Takeaways: New challenges video conferencing introduces; how to adapt your approach to meet individual needs; concrete guidelines to consider.
Takeaways: How remote work puts you at risk; considerations from IT, HR, and financial perspectives; brass tacks recommendations on your home setup.
Takeaways: The difference between implementation and adoption; how to get the most out of your new technology solution.
Takeaways: Why law firms are a top target for cybercriminals; how to identify and avoid social engineering scams.
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