Finding a Fit: Top 13 Questions to Ask Your IT Team

Whether you’re starting the search for an IT firm or looking to strengthen your partnership with your existing IT team, it’s important to determine how your needs as an organization align with what a particular provider will deliver.

We’ve reached the point in time where technology can single-handedly make or break our success as a business, so it’s critical that we partner with a team that shares our priorities and our values.

After over 30 years in the IT industry, we’ve gotten a good sense of what questions will get to the heart of the matter, and give you a quick and clear picture of whether a provider will be the right fit for you.

We’ve listed these thirteen questions below, and invite you to watch the series of explanatory videos that our Founder & CEO, Heinan Landa, and our COO, David Campbell, have put together on the subject.

Top 13 Questions to Ask Your IT Team

1 – How do you onboard your clients?

2 – How do you keep your people?

3 – How do you compensate your account executives?

4 – How do you compensate your engineers?



5 – What proactive elements do you have in your service plan?

6 – What systems do you have in place to make sure my issues aren’t dropped?

7 – What do I do if I’m not happy?

8 – What does a typical upgrade project look like?



9 – How many people will you have working on my account? What are their roles?

10 – How do you make sure my technology is moving forward?

11 – Do you perform Quarterly Business Reviews? Who leads them?

12 – Can I speak to a client who has left you?

13 – How many clients like us do you serve?



As Heinan and David mention in the videos, it’s not a matter of there being a cookie-cutter “right” or “wrong” answer to these questions; this isn’t a quiz that only we have the answer sheet to!

Instead, it’s a matter of having the discussion with your (current or potential) provider, determining how the answers align with your goals, and moving forward in your partnership with the right expectations on both sides of the relationship.

Try them out and let us know what you think!


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